Cultural Intelligence Development

If your company needs a more detailed analysis and some cultural intelligence training after the framework, then the Cultural Intelligence Development package might be right for you.

Once I’ve provided a Speaking Seed Framework for your company and discussed my recommendations for your teams, we can work further. Please see which Speaking Seed service best suits your needs.

When you go through the process, these are the results you can expect:

  • Less conflict or confusion. Target where and how the communication lapses are coming from and learn how to address them.

  • Increased operational efficiency by tracking progress and results that can be clearly understood by both teams (reduced costs)

  • Improved Cultural Intelligence so teams can leverage diversity to help solve problems and co-create solutions (reduce time)

How does this work?

  • Conduct focus group interviews with 2-3 managers from each country.

  • Implement or adjust the Speaking Seed Framework.

  • Then using the framework, design a customized training session for your team members to increase their cultural intelligence and help them become better intercultural communicators.

  • Follow-up calls included for one month after the training (maximum two one-hour virtual calls) for clarification or any other additional assistance. 

What You Receive

  1. Customized framework

  2. One cultural intelligence training

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